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Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep. But if you are a snorer (or sleep next to one), neither of you is likely getting a good night of rest—particularly if the snoring is caused by obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea can be a severe sleep disorder with serious health consequences. Sufferers stop breathing many times during the night, which interferes with the quality of their sleep. Many people with sleep apnea are loud snorers. Many of our patients come to our dental practice for help and advice to treat their sleeping disorder.

Why People Snore

Snoring occurs when people cannot move air freely through their nose and throat while they are asleep. The sound you hear when people snore is the vibration of the involved tissues. Some people are more prone to snoring than others, particularly those who:

Snoring Versus Sleep Apnea

Many people who snore do not have sleep apnea. Usually snoring is accompanied by other symptoms if it is obstructive sleep apnea. These include:

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

There are several ways you might be able to improve your sleep apnea, including the following:

Another common treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP therapy. CPAP, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure, is very successful in treating sleep apnea, but the biggest problem is compliance. Many people simply stop using the CPAP machine because they find it uncomfortable.

While every case is different, Dr. Matthew Vaccaro—our experienced dentist—has found that his patients’ sleep apnea is often alleviated with a custom-made oral device. This particular nightguard is designed to fit comfortably over the teeth while sleeping and helps keep the jaw aligned properly, so the airway stays open.

How Much Does Sleep Apnea Treatment Cost? 

The cost of sleep apnea treatment at our practice usually ranges between $800 to $1,500. The overall price will depend on factors such as the type of treatment that is provided, the complexity of the concerns being addressed, and other components. Once our dentist has evaluated your needs, made the appropriate recommendation, and developed your treatment plan, a member of our team can create a total cost estimate and go over it with you. Our practice understands the need for patients to have options when it comes to paying for treatment, which is why we accept a comprehensive array of payment methods to make it as convenient as possible. For patients who would like to finance their treatment, we work with CareCredit®. This renowned financing company offers many dental care financing plans for qualified applicants who prefer to pay for their treatment over time.

If your sleep apnea is going untreated, you are not getting the restful sleep you need. Contact Vaccaro Aesthetic and Family Dentistry to find out about treating sleep apnea with a custom-made oral appliance.